
Two Ways That a Dentist Can Improve the Appearance of Your Smile

Dentist Blog

There are lots of things that a dentist can to do improve the appearance of your smile. Read on to find out more. They can disguise chipped teeth with veneers If you know of a dentist in your local area that specialises in cosmetic dentistry, it may be worth asking them if they can place a veneer over your chipped tooth. A veneer is a very thin tooth cover, which is normally made from one of two materials—composite resin or porcelain.

12 April 2018

4 Ways to Prolong Dental Implant Life

Dentist Blog

Dental implants don't decay. However, the bones and tissues around them can deteriorate and cause your implants to fail. This article discusses some of the ways through which you can prevent this from happening. Interproximal Aids Interproximal aids are devices, such as water flossers and rubber-tip stimulators, which can help people with dental implants to clean the spaces between the implants and the tissues around those implants. Thorough cleaning is vital so that a biofilm doesn't form in those hidden parts.

12 March 2018

How To Prevent Tooth Decay In Children

Dentist Blog

Tooth decay in children is a growing problem in most Western nations, with Sugar FreeSmiles explaining that Australia is no exception. They describe a report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare that shows that most six-year-olds have tooth decay, and around half of twelve-year-olds have decay in their permanent teeth. This is a serious state of affairs, but one that is entirely preventable through good dental hygiene and a sensible diet during childhood.

22 February 2018

The Benefits and Disadvantages of Ceramic Braces

Dentist Blog

An orthodontist may recommend that braces are fitted for a number of reasons. For example, they can be used to correct the alignment of teeth that are crooked. For other people, dental practitioners say they will help with overcrowding by moving teeth into better positions. They can be used to correct both over and under biting. Whatever the reason for having them, the sort of braces that will be fitted are important.

25 January 2018

Is It Safe to Drink Alcohol After Getting Dental Implants?

Dentist Blog

After going through the process of getting dental implants fitted, you may find yourself craving a drink. However, drinking alcohol after dental implant surgery can delay recovery and even increase the risk that your dental implants will fail. Here are a few good reasons to avoid drinking alcohol for at least 72 hours after dental implant surgery.  Alcohol Reduces Healing Alcohol interferes with the body's ability to produce proteins that are essential for normal healing.

3 January 2018

Overcoming Dental Phobia — Giving a Helping Hand to Your Child

Dentist Blog

Many children usually develop a fear of dentists at an early age, and if they do not overcome this fear, they can suffer from dental anxiety even in adult age. For children to overcome dental fear, they need to understand that dentists are not the "bad guys," and they should therefore stop perceiving dentists that way. As primary caregivers, parents have a big role to play with regards to helping little ones to overcome their fear of the dentists.

15 December 2017

Should You Consider Cosmetic Dentistry for Your Child's Crooked Teeth?

Dentist Blog

Dental issues with children tend to be a common occurrence. From overeating candy to not employing proper oral hygiene, you are bound to set several dental appointments as they grow up. However, is it necessary to seek cosmetic dental procedures if your child develops crooked teeth? Some parent may assume that cosmetic dentistry may not be the best course of action as baby teeth are still falling out. Thus, they hope their kid's dental formula will correct itself.

22 November 2017

Bridging the Gaps With Dental Bonding: Can Multiple Gaps Between Teeth Be Closed With Dental Bonding?

Dentist Blog

In the animal kingdom it is quite normal for plant-eating mammals (herbivores) to have a gap, also known as a diastema, between their gnawing teeth and their grinding teeth. Rabbits, for example, have two long front incisors used for gnawing at vegetables. In humans, such gaps are not necessary. They serve neither a functional nor an aesthetic purpose and therefore tend to look out of place in a smile. The most common of these gaps is the space between the two upper central incisors.

30 October 2017

Little Known Reasons Why You May Be Developing Cavities

Dentist Blog

Cavities remain one of the most common dental ailments people suffer from, no matter what age group. As long as you eat and drink, your teeth will be at risk of developing cavities if the proper oral hygiene measures are not taken. However, when it comes to cavity development, some people tend to associate it mainly with sugary foods and beverages. The reality is there are some surprising causes of cavities that you may not be aware of, which would put you at risk of this recurrent problem and necessitate a visit to an emergency dentist.

9 October 2017

How to cope with some of the most common problems associated with wearing braces

Dentist Blog

Orthodontics can drastically improve the appearance of a person's teeth. However, there are certain issues which many people experience whilst wearing braces. Read on to learn more about these issues and what you can do to avoid them: Tooth staining People who wear orthodontics are more likely to develop permanent tooth stains than those who do not wear this type of dental device. This is because it is much more difficult for brace-wearers to fully remove food from their teeth, as food particles often end up embedded into the edges of the brackets (the square-shaped components that sit on the centre of each tooth).

16 September 2017