
Braces with Dentures: Is it Possible for You to Continue to Wear Your Denture While in Braces?

Dentist Blog

When you are missing one or more teeth, a partial denture is a simple way of avoiding the social stigma that comes from having obvious missing teeth. However, if your remaining natural teeth are crooked, a partial denture may not be enough. You may still be dissatisfied with the appearance of your smile. Fortunately, orthodontics has come a long way and there are now various ways of straightening teeth. As a result, false teeth sometimes can become part of orthodontic treatment either as part of a partial denture or not.

24 August 2017

Which Circumstances Mean Wisdom Teeth Should Be Removed?

Dentist Blog

Wisdom teeth are a normal part of the body's ageing process, usually coming through at some point between the ages of 17 and 25. For most people, they don't cause any real problems, although they might be a bit uncomfortable as they grow, and you should attend your regular dentist appointments so they can be checked. For some, however, wisdom teeth can be problematic and may need to be removed. You might think this will only be the case if they're causing you pain, but that's not necessarily true.

3 August 2017

Don't Let These 3 Teeth Whitening Myths Hold You Back From a Beautiful Smile

Dentist Blog

Professional teeth whitening is a safe and effective procedure that allows people to enjoy whiter, brighter smiles. However, many people avoid teeth whitening because of myths that exist about the procedure. Have you been fooled by any of these three common misconceptions about teeth whitening? Read on to separate the facts from the myths. 1. Myth: Teeth Whitening is Bad for Enamel Many people worry that having their teeth whitened too often will wear away the protective enamel that coats healthy teeth.

15 March 2017

When Teeth Whitening Goes Wrong

Dentist Blog

Everybody wants that bright confident smile complete with really white teeth. One of the dental procedures many people undertake as DIY is teeth whitening. While considered a relatively simple procedure that can be done using over the counter products, many people are unknowingly messing up their teeth. For a start, it is prudent to consult a dentist before commencing a teeth whitening process. The following are some of the mistakes commonly done with people who decide on DIY teeth whitening.

24 February 2017

Cavity Prevention Advice

Dentist Blog

Oral bacteria are a major cause of tooth decay and cavities.  Over time, the bacteria invade the living dentin and pulp of the tooth, setting up an infection.  Once this happens, the only way to treat the problem is for your dentist to remove the infected portion of the tooth to arrest the disease progression and then seal the tooth with a filling. So how can you protect your mouth from the ravages of oral bacteria?

22 December 2016

Facial Filler Treatment: Beauty Tips to Make You Glow This Holiday

Dentist Blog

Have you been looking for the best procedure to make your skin look fresh and glowing over the holidays? The holiday season is full of festivities. It's a period of occasions, day in and day out. For this reason, you need your face to look beautiful. Additionally, you need your skin to withstand the harmful effects of weather elements like wind and sun. While women might differ in opinion, the following procedures are effective solutions to complexion disturbances and facial volume decline.

12 December 2016

3 Ways Eating Apples Can Lead to a Healthier, Fresher, and Whiter Smile

Dentist Blog

As the old saying goes, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". Well, apples can also save you trips to the dentist. Though apples should never be thought of as a substitute for your toothbrush, toothpaste and floss, putting apples into your diet can help prevent cavities, ward off bad breath, and even keep your teeth looking whiter for longer. That could mean fewer fillings, better confidence and a reduced need for whitening treatments, all from eating a tasty piece of fruit.

30 November 2016

Why Is Your Dentist Recommending a Metal Crown After Root Canal Treatment?

Dentist Blog

As part of your root canal treatment, your dentist will talk to you about having a dental crown inserted onto the tooth once the root canal work is done. In some cases, your dentist may talk to you about having a metal crown rather than a white one. Why does your dentist think that this is a good option? Crowning Less Visible Teeth While you wouldn't necessarily want a metal crown on a front tooth after root canal treatment – unless, of course, you're looking for a gangster-bling look – you may not be so worried about how the crown will look if you are having it fitted to a molar right at the back of your mouth where it won't be seen much, if at all.

17 November 2016

4 Causes Of Bad Breath

Dentist Blog

Bad breath can make you feel embarrassed and self-conscious in social situations, and simply eating mints isn't usually enough to combat the odour. There can be several reasons for smelly breath, and getting to the root of the problem can improve your health and your confidence. Here's an overview of four possible causes of bad breath. Gum Disease Gum disease is caused by large amounts of bacteria in your mouth. The bacteria combine with food debris and form plaque, which sticks to your teeth around the gum line.

26 October 2016

Guidelines to Recovery After Undergoing an Oral Surgery

Dentist Blog

Oral surgery can help you deal with severe dental diseases and conditions such as a serious injury or misalignment of the jaw. After undergoing this procedure, your focus should be on recovery and making sure that the teeth and other tissues are free from trauma and infection. If you've just undergone an oral surgery, here are some of the things that you need to do for a speedy recovery. Control the Bleeding

3 October 2016