Causes Of Dental Bridge Failure And Their Remedies

Dentist Blog

A large number of people with missing teeth prefer to settle for dental bridges instead of implants for tooth replacement. For many of these people, the fact that installation of dental bridges does not involve any form of surgery is among the most significant factors that contribute to this preference.

Like all other prosthetic dental devices, dental bridges are bound to suffer damage after extended use. This creates the need to have the bridges repaired or replaced (depending on the extent of damage). Here are answers to two common questions about causes and remedies of dental bridge failure.

What Causes Failure Of Dental Bridges?

The typical dental bridge is made of ceramic material. Bridges can also be made of porcelain fused onto a metal frame. Poor dental hygiene is the most common cause of dental bridge failure. Poor hygiene creates an enabling environment for oral bacteria to thrive under the prosthetic device. Bacterial contamination on dental bridges creates the immediate need for dental bridge repair so as to avoid recurrent tooth decay.  

Structural defects on dental bridges are also often responsible for the failure of these devices. Common structural defects include breakage of the bridge's underlying metal frame and fractured bridge coatings. Cracks and fractures on dental bridges often occur when the individual is chewing on hard food items.

At times, failure of dental bridges occurs because the bridges were not a perfect fit for the patient or they were not properly installed.

What Does Dental Bridge Repair Involve?

The primary cause of dental bridge failure determines the most appropriate approach for bridge restoration.

Dental bridge failure caused by bacterial contamination is remedied by having the bridges removed and replaced with new ones. However, bridge replacement can only be done after the dental practitioner has certified that there is nothing wrong with the adjacent teeth supporting a dental bridge.

Bridge failure as a result of structural damage can be remedied by having the fractured coating repaired before the bridge is placed back in the mouth. However, in severe cases of structural damage (e.g. deep cracking), dental bridges have to be replaced with new ones because their functionality is highly compromised.

Ill-fitting bridges cannot be repaired and have to be replaced with new ones that fit. A bridge that was not properly installed has to be removed and re-installed in order to prevent its failure and for increased comfort.

Timely repair of dental bridges is essential to prevent further damage to the bridges and more serious dental health problems. For more information, contact your dentist.


30 December 2015

Travel With An Australian Dentist:  The Best In The World

Miranda Raff here. My brother is a stressed-out dental student, so I'm starting this blog on his behalf. I work in a travel agency and my brother is mortified by the number of dental tourism stories I bring home. I book short holidays for people who seem as though they are going to enjoy some relaxation in an exotic country, only to learn that they plan to have cheap dental procedures. Whilst there are good dentists in developing countries, according to my brother, the complex procedures these people plan to have simply can't be finished in such a limited time. This blog is an attempt to inform you about the high skill levels and advanced technology found in Australian dental surgeries. New techniques are being developed every year and Australian dentists are at the forefront of offering these solutions. I really hope this blog helps you to appreciate our dentists.