Tips for Visiting the Dentist for Bleeding Gums: A Comprehensive Guide

Dentist Blog

Bleeding gums can be a frightening experience and often a sign of more severe dental problems. Nonetheless, when you visit the dentist, it's embarrassing to admit that you haven't been brushing as often as you should. It's time to stop feeling ashamed; dentists have seen it all. If you're experiencing bleeding gums, there's no shame in seeking help from a professional. Read on to see tips on how to approach the topic with your dentist, what to expect during your visit and how to make the most of your appointment in keeping those pearly whites healthy.

Discuss your symptoms

One of the first steps in visiting a dentist for an issue like bleeding gums is to discuss your symptoms. Dentists need to understand your condition to offer appropriate treatment. Discuss the frequency, duration and severity of your bleeding gums. Do you bleed every time you floss? Do you experience pain alongside the bleeding? Such information assists dentists in understanding exactly what the issue is and creating suitable treatment plans.

Understand the cause

Bleeding gums are not only a result of poor oral hygiene but other underlying factors. You could be brushing too hard, causing inflammation and leading to bleeding. Conversely, hormonal changes can cause gum bleeding during pregnancy or menopause. Some medications, like blood thinners, can also cause bleeding gums. Understanding the cause behind your bleeding gums helps to address it properly so that you can finally get the relief you need.

Ask for tips on preventing future gum problems

At your dental appointment, your dentist will likely examine your mouth for concerns underlying bleeding gums. Following the examination, your dentist may suggest changes in diet, brushing and flossing habits. They may recommend a better toothbrush or floss to use or advise using an anti-bacterial mouthwash. Your dentist may also suggest you refrain from smoking, as smoking is known to cause gum disease. 

Get on an action plan

Your dentist may recommend a plan of action based on the extent of your bleeding. If the severity of bleeding gums persists, it may be necessary to make multiple visits to the dentist. This will ensure you receive comprehensive deep cleaning or, in some cases, gum surgery to address the issue effectively. You may also be referred to a periodontist, a dental specialist who treats gum-related issues. Whatever the case may be, it is essential to follow your dentist's recommended course of treatment for solving your gum problem.

Maintain healthy habits at home

Maintaining healthy habits at home can help keep your gums healthy and prevent future bleeding. Brush twice, floss once daily and rinse with a mouthwash. If you smoke, it's time to quit. The better you look after your mouth, the less frequently you'll need to visit the dentist to address bleeding gums.

Reach out to a local dentist to learn more.


13 October 2023

Travel With An Australian Dentist:  The Best In The World

Miranda Raff here. My brother is a stressed-out dental student, so I'm starting this blog on his behalf. I work in a travel agency and my brother is mortified by the number of dental tourism stories I bring home. I book short holidays for people who seem as though they are going to enjoy some relaxation in an exotic country, only to learn that they plan to have cheap dental procedures. Whilst there are good dentists in developing countries, according to my brother, the complex procedures these people plan to have simply can't be finished in such a limited time. This blog is an attempt to inform you about the high skill levels and advanced technology found in Australian dental surgeries. New techniques are being developed every year and Australian dentists are at the forefront of offering these solutions. I really hope this blog helps you to appreciate our dentists.