Crown Lengthening: What is it and how does it work?

Dentist Blog

If you have teeth that look short due to the excess amount of gums, you can get a procedure called crown lengthening. This procedure removes the gum tissue to make the teeth appear as if they are longer. Here are some things to know about this procedure.

What are the reasons for crown lengthening?

The two main reasons you might need a crown lengthening procedure are to alter your smile cosmetically or to fix a tooth. If you have had tooth decay on a tooth or recently had a root canal, your dentist might want to fit it with a crown to protect the tooth. However, if you don't have a lot of tooth surface left, this can make it difficult. The dentist might recommend removing some gum tissue in order to reveal more of the tooth so that they can put a crown on. You might also want crown lengthening if you have what is called a gummy smile. This is caused by having an excess of gum tissue over your teeth, which can be removed in order to elongate the appearance of your teeth. When you smile, more teeth and less gums will show.

How is it performed?

When you get crown lengthening done, the dentist will use a local anesthetic so that you don't experience any pain or discomfort. Small incisions are made to remove the necessary amount of gum tissue over the teeth. It is not uncommon to have multiple teeth done, even if only one tooth needed a crown. This is only done to show even reshaping of the gums and teeth. You might also need some of the tooth removed as well, which is done at the same time. This requires simple filing down of the tooth with a rotary tool in order to make room for the dental crown. The incisions made in the gums are then sutured and you are ready to go home.

What is the aftercare and recovery process?

The healing time of your gums depends on how much of your gum tissue was removed and the way the procedure was performed. You might notice that they heal a little more easily and quickly if your dentist used laser dentistry as opposed to the standard method of cutting the gums. You may wear a temporary crown during this time, which helps to protect the tooth being treated so it doesn't break off or get excessive amounts of decay that then need to be removed. The permanent crown will be affixed later.

For more information, contact local dental services.


30 March 2016

Travel With An Australian Dentist:  The Best In The World

Miranda Raff here. My brother is a stressed-out dental student, so I'm starting this blog on his behalf. I work in a travel agency and my brother is mortified by the number of dental tourism stories I bring home. I book short holidays for people who seem as though they are going to enjoy some relaxation in an exotic country, only to learn that they plan to have cheap dental procedures. Whilst there are good dentists in developing countries, according to my brother, the complex procedures these people plan to have simply can't be finished in such a limited time. This blog is an attempt to inform you about the high skill levels and advanced technology found in Australian dental surgeries. New techniques are being developed every year and Australian dentists are at the forefront of offering these solutions. I really hope this blog helps you to appreciate our dentists.